“To have respect for the world is when you allow people to be who they are.”

Magda Gerber

Respect. Authenticity. Joy.

Our interactions with children are informed by Magda Gerber’s Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) and rooted in respect and authenticity. This means at Nido we…

…see infants as the whole people that they are and have deep trust in the competence and capability of even the youngest babies.

…view caregiving routines as time for learning and connection and involve the children as active participants in their own bodily care.

…curate safe engaging learning spaces where infants and toddlers can engage in self-directed and uninterrupted play.

…have confidence in natural gross motor development, offering ample floor time and opportunity for free movement as well as developmentally appropriate gross motor equipment to support children’s movement goals.

…promote security, competence, and self-discipline with predictable routines, consistent limits, and clear boundaries.